Relaxing Organic Aromatherapy Blend



Relaxing Aromatherapy blend has a reviving blend of Rose Geranium and Black Pepper to calm and relax your mind and body.

This beautifully smelling aromatherapy essential oil blend is perfect to use before bedtime for a deeper and more relaxing sleep.

Also perfect for use during stressful times or just when you need a bit of instant calm – the combo works well for relaxing your mind!

You can use it in your own skincare blends, just remember to dilute it first. For inhalation – oil burners or diffusers are great but if you don’t have one, a cotton bud on the radiator will do the trick as well.

If you decide to use it in your own skincare creations, remember to always make a patch test first!

Our essential oils come in an amber glass bottle with a glass pipette.

15ml of pure, organic essential oil blend